How retailers can keep growing returns costs in check
While most retailers have recently recorded a decline in returns, the cost burden is still big, and many retailers are increasingly looking for ways to reverse course even further. It’s retail’s unavoidable story, especially e-commerce: For each percentage of growth in sales comes more returned items from customers. It’s the double-edged sword that keeps getting […]
Avoid Supply Chain Dominos by Navigating the Disruption Du Jour
By Tom Behnke, Total Retail It can feel, at times, like a game of dominos. When there’s a global supply chain disruption, like those we’ve been seeing in recent months on the Red Sea and the Panama Canal, e-commerce companies and, ultimately, consumers feel the downstream ripples. For those working on the inside, it’s nothing […]
Optimizing Warehouses – Blend of Art, Science, and Humans
Today, warehouses in the supply chain are more complicated than ever, from meeting constant and growing customer demand, especially in the e-commerce sector, to an ever-growing selection of products and even globalization. Warehouse operations that are in tip-top shape have never been more important. An inefficient warehouse will negatively impact every other part of the […]
Ecommerce Quandary, Fixing the Returns Problem
Ecommerce is a blessing and a curse in the world of retail. While it’s played a key role in the overall success of retail in recent decades, it’s also saddled the industry with a growing returns problem. For every percentage growth in sales, more items are returned by customers. As the 2023 holiday season’s returns […]
Same-day Delivery Expectations are Growing. How Can Online Retailers Compete?
Same-day delivery has been around for a while – think flowers, Dominos, and auto parts. UberEATS, DoorDash, and your local grocery store dramatically expanded the same-day food delivery sector during the pandemic. And, thanks to Amazon, Target, and Walmart, people are receiving more than food every day to their front door. 100 million Prime members […]